acupuncture analgesia,
n the pain-reducing effect brought about by inserting tiny needles into key points of the human body, sometimes augmented by the use of low-frequency or high-frequency electrically charged needles.
acupuncture energetics (aˑ·kyōō·pngkˑ·chr e·ner·jeˑ·tiks),
n in medical acupuncture, a fusion model of therapy that brings together local treatment with energy assessment throughout the bodys channels. Primarily used in the United States, this model of therapy is derived from the European interpretations of the traditional Chinese methods and blends segmental innervation for pain therapies and neuromuscular anatomy of trigger points.
acupuncture, auricular,
n therapy in which acupuncture points on the outer ear are treated to alleviate symptoms such as depression, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, and withdrawal symptoms.
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Auricular acupuncture.
acupuncture, chakra (shˑ·kra·kyōōˑ·pnk·cher),
n a hybridization of Chinese acupuncture and the Vedic chakra system in which the chakras are stimulated and energetic blockages are released through the needling of chakra points.
acupuncture, classical,
n a variant of acupuncture in which practitioners translate and refer to original texts and rely on the philosophical as well as medical, aspects of those texts.
acupuncture, deep,
n acupuncture in which the needles are inserted through the skin and subcutaneous tissues and into the muscles. Also called
intramuscular acupuncture.
acupuncture, ear (EA),
n therapy that treats and prevents disease by stimulating certain points on the ear. Standardized ear acupuncture is used to treat substance abuse in the United States.
acupuncture, five-element, a variant of acupuncture in which diagnosis is based upon the patients unique relationship to the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). The acupuncturist determines the patients constitutional element and works to return this element to a state of balance.
acupuncture, formula,
n technique in which the specific acupuncture points are fixed to promote uniformity for determining efficacy of a technique. See also acupuncture.
acupuncture, Japanese,
n a gentle, minimally invasive type of acupuncture developed in Japan. Also called
acupuncture, Korean hand,
n method in which needles are inserted into the hands at points that correspond to the traditional Chinese meridians.
acupuncture, medical,
n healing system based on Western views of neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and trigger points in combination with European interpretation of Chinese classic medicine texts.
acupuncture, micro,
n 1. system of acupuncture in which the body is reflected in miniature on different parts of the body, as with reflexology.
2. a term used by Felix Mann to describe his techniques of minimalist acupuncture. See also acupuncture, minimalist and acupuncture, new concept.
acupuncture, minimalist (miˑ·n·ml·ist aˈ·kyōō·punkˑ·cher),
n a form of acupuncture in which the needles are placed just into the subcutaneous tissue, with little or no manual stimulation, and removed after a brief period to affect relief from pain. Also called
micro acupuncture.
acupuncture, neuroanatomic,
n a Western variant of acupuncture with a modern neurological orien-tation. Includes the use of electroacupuncture and is predominantly performed by medical doctors for pain relief.
acupuncture, new concept,
n a form of acupuncture in which meridians and classical points are eschewed and instead local tenderness and the pattern of radiation are used to locate proper sites for needle insertion. This school of acupuncture also uses micro acupuncture and periosteal needling. See also micro acupuncture.
acupuncture, periosteal (perˈ·ē·äsˑ·tē·l aˈ·kyōō·punkˑ·chr),
n method of acu-puncture in which the needle is inserted all the way into the periosteum (fibrous tissue which encases bone). Special care is taken in the vicinity of organs.
acupuncture, scalp,
n the insertion of fine needles into meridians located throughout the scalp to restore health and balance to the body.
acupuncture, superficial,
n method of acupuncture in which the needles are inserted into the skin and subcutaneous tissues only.
acupuncture, symptomatic,
n a form of acupuncture applied as a first-aid technique for its analgesic properties.
acupuncture, trigger point,
n a form of acupuncture that uses trigger points for needle insertion instead of the classical acupuncture points. See also points, trigger.
acupuncture, Yamamoto new scalp, technique developed by Toshikatsu Yamamoto in which filiform needles are inserted into meridians located on the scalp.
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