
Bipolar Disorder Treatment and Support

Bipolar disorder is not a condition that you can tackle on your own. You need the help and support of a lot of people -- your family, your friends, and especially your health care providers.
Medical Care for Bipolar Disorder
Medication is almost always prescribed for people with bipolar disorder. So your first step is to seek out a health care provider who has expertise in treating bipolardisorder. In most cases, this would be a psychiatrist.
Find someone whom you like and trust. Since youll be seeing a lot of each other -- at least at first -- it\s important to have a good working partnership. If you dont feel comfortable around your doctor, you might not be open about symptoms or side effects of your medication.
Dont be a passive patient. Taking an active role helps in your recovery. So before an appointment, read about bipolar disorder and its treatment. Go in with questions.
Some people are hesitant to go to a doctor because theyre afraid of being forced to take medication. That wont happen; your doctor wont make you do anything. He or she will advise you, and you make the decision about bipolar disorder treatment.
So make an appointment to at least talk about your bipolar disorder treatment options. Delaying isnt a good idea. We know that untreated bipolar disorder is likely to get worse.
Talk Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
On its own, talk therapy with a therapist isnt enough to control bipolar disorder, especially during episodes of mania or depression. But along with bipolar medication, it can play a key role in your recovery and ongoing treatment. The effects of bipolar disorder go well beyond the direct symptoms of a mood episode. A therapist can help you:
Work on your relationships with family, friends, and co-workers
Reduce stress
Resolve problems at school or work
Stick to your bipolar treatment and live a healthy life
See your situation from a new perspective
Learn ways to talk to other people about your bipolar disorder
Identify and avoid situations that may trigger a manic or depressive episode
Make a plan for what to do if you become depressed or manic
Combat stigma surrounding mental illness
In addition to personal therapy for bipolar disorder, it might be helpful to try couples counseling or family therapy, depending on your situation.
You should find a qualified therapist -- usually a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, psychiatric nurse, or counselor -- preferably one who specializes in working with people who have bipolar disorder. Ask your health care provider for recommendations. Or get in touch with an organization like the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) or the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA).
According to webmd


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