Traditional Medicine Pulses
If only a gentle touch filled with love and care can make you feel relaxed, then imagine the ultimate effect that you will get from a professional massage.
Self Massage
There are simple massage you can do it yourself. This is a great "pick-me-up" after a hard...
Foot Reflexology Massage Healing Touch
If only a gentle touch filled with love and care can make you feel relaxed, then imagine t...
Basic Massage Techniques
Massage a direct impact on the dense nerve receptors in the skin to create the neural refl...
The magic of hands
Alfred Stieglitz’s iconic image of Georgia O’Keefe’s hands takes the spotlight in the upco...
Indications and contraindications
Indications are specific issues going on in the body at a specific time (e.g., headaches, ...
Holistic Recipes - Crunch into Good Health
According to ancient Vedic physicians who classified food according to the seasons it is t...

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