How is medical acupuncture different from Chinese acupuncture?
The main difference between medical acupuncture and traditional Chinese acupuncture is that the ancient beliefs of yin, yang, and the energy qi is substituted for a combined knowledge of physiology and pathology, anatomy, and the common principals of evidence based medicine.
Medical acupuncture is practiced by healthcare practitioners and is generally regarded as part of conventional medicine. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) specifically recommends the use of acupuncture for lower back pain1.
What to expect in a medical acupuncture appointment
If you choose to undergo medical acupuncture, you will be referred to a medical acupuncture-trained doctor, who will diagnose you using Western medical methods. He or she will probably also ask questions about your habits, lifestyle and medical history. Treatments will only be administered once a week for a maximum of 6 weeks.
Is it hygienic?
Only sterile, single-use, disposable needles will be used.
Does it hurt?
The needles are very fine, so it will not feel like having an injection or a blood test, which uses needles with a cutting edge. The sensation varies from person to person. Some people feel a slight sharpness, whereas other people feel nothing at all.
Things you need to tell your doctor before a medical acupuncture appointment
Make sure you inform the doctor of the following before undergoing acupuncture treatment:
if you have ever fainted, had a fit or experienced a funny turn
if you have a bleeding disorder (haemophillia)
if you have damaged heart valves or a particular risk of infection
if you have a pacemaker or any other implants of an electrical nature
if you are taking anti-coagulants or any kind of medication.
Side effects of Medical acupuncture
Do not drive straight after your first appointment as you may feel drowsy.
Some people do faint during treatment but this is very rare.
There is a slight possibility of minor bleeding or bruising after the insertion of acupuncture needles.
Does it really work?
There have been a number of studies looking into the validity and benefits of acupuncture as an accepted form of medical practice.
One popular contention is that acupuncture only appears to work by inducing a placebo effect. A placebo effect is what happens when a person believes they have been treated. Recoverey and pain relief is thought to happen as a result of this sense of belief and expectation. However, one study published in the NeuroImage journal claims to have found scientific evidence that acupuncture does in fact have a direct effect on the body.
The study2
Researchers at Southampton University and University College London used PET scans to monitor what was happening in the brains of 14 participants during three separate interventions.
In the first intervention, the participants were prodded lightly with blunt needles and informed that the needles would not penetrate the skin or hold any therapeutic value.
In the second intervention, the participants were prodded with specially designed false needles that telescoped in on themselves upon contact with the skin, in the same way a stage dagger does. However, the patients were told that the needles would penetrate the skin, and that the treatment would hold therapeutic value.
The third intervention involved the insertion of real acupuncture needles into traditional acupuncture points.
The results of the PET scan showed significant differences in brain activity during each separate intervention.
During the first intervention when the participants knew they were not having needles inserted in them, the area of the brain associated with the sensation of touch became active.
During the second intervention when the participants thought they were having needles inserted in them, the area associated with pain relief became active.
During the third intervention when the participants were having needles inserted in them, the area associated with pain relief became active, but interestingly, so did another part. This region of the brain is known as the insular, thought to be involved in the judgment of pain.
These results do suggest that medical acupuncture can affect the body beyond the placebo effect. However, many experts still demand further research and you are encouraged to discuss acupuncture with your GP before deciding on it as a course of treatment.
What qualifications and experience should therapists have?
Currently there are no laws in place in the UK regarding the level of training required to become a medical acupuncture practitioner. However, those seeking the therapy often find it reassuring to know their practitioner is trained to a high standard and is working to certain levels of good practice.
There are many professional associations in existence which have taken on a self-regulatory role for medical acupuncture, requiring members to meet certain eligibility requirements and abide by a code of ethics and complaints procedure.
Whilst the eligibility requirements will differ for each professional organisation, generally potential members will need to provide evidence of the appropriate acupuncture training as well as proof that they are a medical professional such as a doctor, nurse of physiotherapist etc.
Listed below are a number of professional associations for medical acupuncture in the UK, with a summary of what each one requires to join. This information is subject to change so please visit the individual websites for full details:
Acupuncture Association for Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP)
The Acupuncture Association for Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) are a Professional Association who aim to integrate Acupuncture into Physiotherapy Practice for the treatment of pain and illness.
There are various types of AACP membership and each has its own set of entry requirements which you can find listed below:
Full [Accredited] membership of AACP is granted only on evidence that a chartered physiotherapist has completed at least 80 hours of training on courses approved by the AACP or has a recognised University Degree course.
Advanced membership of AACP is only granted after a minimum of 200 hours training, on extended courses approved by the Education Training & Research Committee [ETRC] of the AACP, or by obtaining a PhD or MSc in Acupuncture.
Honorary Membership is the highest level of membership within the organisation, and is offered to those who the AACP Board believe have made an outstanding contribution in support of acupuncture within physiotherapy.
All members have to give evidence of 10 hours Continued Professional Development every two years, in order to maintain their membership status. The supervision of the education register enables the AACP, together with the CSP and HPC, to maintain the necessary high standards of practice.
All AACP members are covered by comprehensive professional liability insurance.
The British Acupuncture Council (BAC)
As the UKs largest professional body of acupuncturists the BAcC guarantee excellence in training, safe practice and professional conduct. All members of the BAcC (MBAcC) can offer you the following assurances.
BSc or BA degree level training or its equivalent in traditional acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and western biomedical sciences including anatomy, physiology and pathology (3,600 hours of study).
Full medical malpractice and public/products liability insurance cover.
Expert practice skills maintained by following a mandatory individual programme of continuing professional development (CPD).
Compliance with BAcC Code of Safe Practice and Code of Professional Conduct.
Patient access to the BAcC complaints and disciplinary procedures.
The British Medical Acupuncture Society (BMAS)
The British Medical Acupuncture Society (BMAS) is a registered charity which was established in order to encourage the use and scientific understanding of the medical merits of acupuncture.
Membership of BMAS is open to most UK-based health professionals who are subject to statutory regulation and practice acupuncture within the scope of their profession.
BMAS has set high standards for acupuncture in the UK and expects its members to adhere to its Code of Practice and Disciplinary Procedure.
BMAS offer the following membership levels:
Honorary – Membership is granted by the society to eminent practitioners
Member – Regulated healthcare professionals with an interest in acupuncture can join as members but have not provided proof of qualifications.
Accredited – This membership level is only open to individuals who have achieved full BMAS Accreditation (Diploma of Medical Acupuncture – Dip Med Ac) and maintain their status by reaccreditation every five years . In order to maintain their status they must complete 30 hours of learning spread over the 5 years following their award of a Diploma of Medical Acupuncture.
According to therapy-directory.