Vietnamese Traditional Medicine
Research has been conducted on 40 herbicides with potent anti-viral and anti-HIV and immunological enhancement effects in Vietnam.
Traditional Vietnam: some historical stages
The drawing on the front cover reproduces a decoration engraved on a bronze drum of the Do...
Agriculture problems.
This year, our Emperor celebrates his fortieth birthday. He has decreed that an additional...
The Confucian scholars in Vietnamese
The son must evin ce filial piety. Brothers must live in concord. Husbands and wives must ...
The struggle against drugs
Drug-addiction, that social scourge, is to be viewed from two different angles and called ...
Vietnam: fundamental problems
In 1945, French imperialism, although weakened, was able to send to Indochina tens of thou...
Education in Democratic Republic of Vietnam
In February 1956, they numbered only 15, administrative personnel and cooks included. To t...
The disabled: their right to life
After decades of fierce resistance and working in the most difficult conditions, our peopl...
Rural health work and disease prevention
For an economically underdeveloped country to dream of generalized medical assistance, rad...

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