DAIBIO Traditional Medicine Dermatology Shampoo 1000ml

DAIBIO Traditional Medicine Dermatology Shampoo 1000ml

Price: 295 000 vnđ
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  • Mô tả: It is to protect hair-loss, safe skin from dermatology diseases such asEczema, Psoriasis, Sycosis, … by 100% natural traditional medicine herbs such as Lonicera japonica, Gleditsia, Vietnamese Daibio Coryceps Sinensis, Aloe, Curcumin, Ginseng, Coconut Oil, Ocimum Tenuiflorum, Rehmannia Glutinosa, Citrus Maxima, Fallopia Multiflora
Daibio Cordyceps Sinensis Vietnam:
The first time in Vietnam, Professor Academician Scientific Doctor Đái Duy Ban together with scientists and Daibio Great Family discovered the Cordyceps sinensis as Isaria cerambycidae N.SP. as well as Fermentation Daibio Cordyceps sinensis for (liver, kidney, heart, blood pressure, lung, stomach, match...). We received the official legal licenses from Vietnamese Ministry of Health for Daibio Cordyceps sinensis and National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam. Vietnamese Ministry of Health confirmed this information in their website and Health Publishing under Vietnamese Ministry published Cordyceps Sinensis Book:

Fallopia multiflora: it contains glycoside, which is effective for capillary dilation and in promoting blood circulation, supplying the energy to hair follicle cells for hair.

Gleditsia: it has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammatory diseases including swelling, suppuration, carbuncle and skin diseases. Below are Gleditsia related alternative medicine supplements and vitamins. Also explore information on treatment, health benefits & side effects with Gleditsia products. Many of the sources come from our Encyclopedia of Natural Health and include relevant health topics. Uses vary, but may include, Increasing Blood Flow, and Enhancing Immune Function and are non-FDA reviewed or approved, natural alternatives, to use for, Dull Skin, and Dry Skin.
Aloe: it is used externally to relieve skin discomforts. A review of the medical literature by a group at the University of Texas in Galveston concluded that aloe gel clearly promotes wound healing and prevents progressive skin damage caused by burns and frostbite. It works by penetrating injured tissue, relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and dilating capillaries to increase blood flow to the injury.
Curcumin: it is used to protect our health as antiseptic from skin disease as psoriasis, sycosis,… Photocarcinogenesis is caused by DNA damage from solar radiation in the ultraviolet range, resulting in the development of both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. Although the ultraviolet B (UVB) spectrum has previously been considered the more carcinogenic of the two, recent evidence suggests that ultraviolet A (UVA) irradiation may have damaging effects that are not generally appreciated. Furthermore, it is becoming apparent that although sunscreens have been in use for many years, they are relatively ineffective in protecting against UVA-induced photoaging and UVA-induced skin cancers. More recently, attention has been directed on certain dietary phytochemicals, in particular curcumin, in the attempt to repair photodamaged skin as a means of preventing degeneration into solar-induced skin cancers. Curcumin has been shown to protect against the deleterious effects of injury by attenuating oxidative stress and suppressing inflammation. In this review, the curcumin-targeted signaling pathways directed against solar-induced injury are reviewed. The ability of curcumin to block multiple targets on these pathways serve as a basis for the potential use of this phytochemical in photoaging skin and photocarcinogenesis.
Ginseng: To evaluate the ability of red ginseng (RG) to protect the skin from photodamage, the gross and microscopic changes in the skin of hairless mice and RG-treated mice exposed chronically to UV were examined. The skin of the UV-irradiated mice showed characteristic signs of photoaging, such as deep wrinkles across the back, increased epidermal thickness, numerous cell infiltration, and many enlarged keratinizing cysts. The RG-treated mice showed a significantly decreased wrinkling score, minimal epidermal hyperplasia, slightly increased dermal cellularity and lack of proliferation of cysts. By week 22, 88.9% (i.p. with saline) or 60.0% (topical administration with cream base) of the UV-irradiated mice developed at least one tumor. RG delayed tumor onset significantly. RG was also effective in reducing the occurrence of UV radiation-induced skin tumors and reduced the number of tumors per mouse. After 22 weeks of treatment, 57.1% (i.p.) or 85.7% (topical administration) of the mice treated with RG were tumor-free. Tumor multiplicity was reduced by 89.3% (i.p.) or 92.2% (topical administration) in the RG treated groups. It is noted that skin that is chronically exposed to UV is subject to photoaging and photocarcinogenesis and the regular use of RG would prevent these photodamaging effects of UV.
Source:   (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Coconut oil: Summer is fast approaching and unfortunately for some, the pending threat of sunburn. However, nature is here to lend a helping hand, in the form of coconut oil. Coconut oil has actually been used as a sun screen and tanning lotion, for thousands of years. Islanders would apply oil over the whole body to give protection from sunburn, and improve skin tone.
Using coconut oil for skin is an affordable, natural way to moisturize without all the chemicals in conventional beauty products. It easily absorbs into your skin, smells good, and is full of antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals and aging. It doesnt get much better than that.
Ocimum Tenuiflorum: HgCl2 (5.0 mg/kg body weight) induced toxicity led to significant elevation of lipid peroxidation (LPO) level but decline in the glutathione content in liver of Swiss albino mice. In serum of HgCl2 treated mice there was significant elevation in serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) activities but significant decline in the alkaline phosphatase activity. Animals treated with O. sanctum extract (10 mg/kg body weight, po) before and after mercury intoxication showed a significant decrease in LPO level, SGOT and SGPT activities and increase in serum alkaline phosphatase activity and glutathione (GSH) content. Ocimum treatment alone did not alter SGOT, SGPT and alkaline phosphatase activities but significantly enhanced reduced glutathione. The results suggest that oral administration of Ocimum extract provides protection against HgCl2 induced toxicity in Swiss albino mice.
Rehmannia Glutinosa: The present invention relates to a composition for external preparation for UV protection comprising an extract of Rehmannia glutinosa (`suk-ji-hwang`) as an active ingredient. Since the composition for external preparation for UV protection according to the present invention comprises an extract of Rehmannia glutinosa (`suk-ji-hwang`) as an active ingredient, it has high skin safety and compatibility to the skin and shows high UV protection effect, and therefore, can be effectively used for preventing skin damage from daily exposure to UV radiation.
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Citrus Maxima: Pummelos (Citrus maxima) aka: Asian grapefruit, pomelo, pommelo, Lusho Fruit, jabong, shaddock, are large round fruits with a very thick green skin, light green inner flesh, and small seeds at their center all held together by a white pith.
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Fallopia Multiflora: NATURAL HAIR TREATMENT FOR MEN AND WOMEN - No Laser, No Injections, Or Application On Hair Required.
Pro Hair Combo = GrowFLX + HairBuild
Pro Hair Combo is the ultimate supplement for Hair re-generation, stimulation and protection that is ALL NATURAL.
GrowFLX is a super blend of Vitamins and Pro Vitamins, Minerals, and Bionutrients, which support the structural foundation of your Hair, Skin and Nails.
HairBuild is primarily composed of the Chinese herb Fallopia multiflora, which nourishes the Liver and Kidney and controls the aging process. HairBuild is formulated to complement GrowFLX.
Our Pro Hair Combo provides essential nutrients to stimulate hair growth, Preventing GRAYING and Hair Aging to give you the look and lifestyle you deserve.
Eleusine indica: The microfiber double-sided velvet fabric can be further processed,so that it can be antibacterial, antistatic, soft, moisture , environmental protection, and wipe off oil and dirt, without side effects to skin.
Lantana camara: Lantana camara is used in herbal medicine for the treatment of skin itches, as an antiseptic for wounds, and externally for leprosy and scabies. The objective of our study was to investigate excision wound healing activity of the leaf extract of L. camara in rats. The animals were divided into two groups of 12 each in both the models. The test group animals were treated with the aqueous extract of L. camara (100 mg/kg/day) topically and the control group animals were left untreated. Wound healing efficacy was measured by determining the morphological and biochemical parameters. Wound healing time, wound contraction and synthesis of collagen were monitored periodically. Antimicrobial activities of the extract against the microorganisms were also assessed. Treatment of the wounds with extract enhanced significantly the rate of wound contraction (98%), synthesis of collagen and decreased mean wound healing time. These studies demonstrate that L. camara is effective in healing excision wounds in the experimental animal and could be evaluated as a therapeutic agent in tissue repair processes associated with skin injuries.
Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Lonicera japonica: The dried leaves and flowers (Flos Lonicerae Japonicae) are employed in traditional Chinese medicine, being used to treat fever, cold-related headache, cough, thirst, certain inflammation including sore throat, skin infection.
Sources: Bensky, Dan; Barolet, Randall. Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas & Strategies (2nd ed.). Eastland Press. p. 44.
Use it daily as normal shampoo. Keep shampoo carefully because it is liquid.
Store in a dry, cool place, protected from light.
Keep in touch with Daibio during using to get the best results.

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