The drawing on the front cover reproduces a decoration engraved on a bronze drum of the Dong Son period (1st millenary B.C.)
The drawing on the front cover reproduces a decoration engraved on a bronze drum of the Dong Son period (1st millenary B.C.)
The above articles have been written by Nguyen Khac Vien on the basis of works done at the Hanoi Institute of Historical Studies.
The Vietnamese nation took shape in the course of several thousand years. Her history, particularly the pre-colonial period, is still little known abroad. Old books, especially those written during the colonial days, often give especially those written during the colonial days, often give an inaccurate account of the historical process. These last fifteen years or so, works by Vietnamese historians have shed new light on many problems. However, written in Vietnamese, they are not easily accessible to the foreign public.
Pending the publication of a general history of the Vietnamese people, we have collected in the present issue a few articles which may give a concrete idea of the great stages of Vietnamese history before the colonial conquest. We shall try to give a broad outline of each period, with information on various aspects social, economic, political, military, cultural. We are aware of the sketchy character of these articles, the aim of the present issue of Vietnamese Studies being merely to fill a gap. Those of our readers who want to go more deeply into certain problems may write to the Institute of historical Studies in Hanoi.
This issue comprises articles on
I - The Origins
2. The Ly and Tran periods (11th - 14 th Centuries)
3. The Le period (15th - 16th Centuries)
4. T he 18th century: The Tay Son
5. Cultural Evolution in the 18th Century
According to Medical Doctor Nguyen Khac Vien
Vietnams foreign language publishing house in 1969