
Helping a Loved One Recover From Heart Surgery

Care of the Incision After Heart Surgery
In order to take proper care of the incision after heart surgery, it is important to:
Keep the incision clean and dry.
Use only soap and water to cleanse the area.
Eat a healthy diet to help healing.
Call the doctor if signs of infection appear. These signs include:
Increased drainage or oozing from incision.
Opening of the incision line.
Redness or warmth around the incision.
Increased body temperature (greater than 100.4°F or 38°C).
You should also call the doctor if your loved one complains or notices that his or her sternum (breast bone) feels like it moves, or if it pops or cracks with movement.
Pain Relief After Heart Surgery
After heart surgery, some muscle or incision discomfort, itching, tightness, and/or numbness along the incision are normal. However, the pain should not be similar to what was experienced before surgery. Your loved one will be given a prescription for a pain medication before leaving the hospital.
For bypass surgery, there may be more pain in the legs than around the chest incision if saphenous veins (leg veins) were used as grafts. Walking, daily activities, and time will help to lessen leg discomfort and stiffness.
Driving After Heart Surgery
Your loved ones doctor will advise him or her when to resume driving after heart surgery. This usually occurs about 6-8 weeks after surgery -- or shorter if the surgery was minimally invasive. Riding as a passenger is fine.
Activity After Heart Surgery
After heart surgery, the doctor will tell your loved one when he or she is able to return to daily activities. However, for the first 6-8 weeks, the following guidelines are generally recommended for patients recovering from heart surgery:
Gradually increase activity. Household chores can be done, but standing in one place longer than 15 minutes is not recommended.
Dont lift objects that weigh more than 10 pounds.
Dont push or pull heavy objects.
Unless restricted by doctors orders, climbing stairs is allowed.
Walk daily. The doctor or cardiac rehabilitation specialist will provide guidelines upon the patients return home.
Diet After Heart Surgery
A healthy diet helps the healing process after heart surgery; if needed, the doctor will provide special dietary instructions.
Following surgery, it is common to have a poor appetite. If this is the case, encourage your loved one to try to eat smaller, more frequent meals. If his or her appetite doesnt return within a few weeks, contact the doctor.
According to webmd


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