
Streptocaulon juventas (Lour.) Merr

Branching perennial twiner, with long, fleshy roots. Stems twining, brown. Leaves opposite, obovate, rounded or cordate at the base
Streptocaulon juventas (Lour.) Merr.
Local names:
Branching perennial twiner, with long, fleshy roots. Stems twining, brown. Leaves opposite, obovate, rounded or cordate at the base. Inflorescence in axillary cyme; flowers small, brownish-yellow. Double follicle, divergent Seeds with a tuft of hairs at one end. All parts of the plant have a milky latex and a silky tomentum.
Flowering period:
July - December.
Grows wild in the mountains and midlands.
Parts used:
The tuberous roots, harvested the whole year round but preferably in autumn, are well washed, cut into pieces, boiled with a decoction of Vigna cylindrica, then sliced and dried in the sun or in ovens.
Chemical composition:
The roots contain starch and alkaloids.
Therapeutic uses:
The roots are reconstituent and effective for anaemia, renal and hepatic hypofunction, dyspepsia, insomnia, neurasthenia, hypogalactia. chronic malaria, rheumatism, ostealgia, menstrual disorders, leucorrhoea, bloody stools, prurigo and snake-bite. Long-term administration has a rejuvenating effect and white hair grows black again. The usual dose is 12 to 20g per day in the form of a decoction, extract or elixir. For snake-bite, the root juice is swallowed and the residue used as a poultice


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